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Individualized Fall Prevention Interventions - LOW RISK PATIENT

Key Recommendations

  • Studies have shown a beneficial effect of vitamin D supplementation in fall prevention distinct from its effect on bone health.

  • Vitamin D deficiency contributes to impaired muscle strength and neuromuscular function.

  • Education of older patients and caregivers is important for implementation and sustained use of fall prevention strategies.

  • Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model can be used to facilitate conversations with older patients and assist with their acceptance of fall prevention strategies such as exercising regularly and making home safety modifications.

  • In addition to providing verbal information, effective education efforts include opportunities to obtain fall prevention resources in the older patient's language and format of choice.             (e.g. links to electronic copies, giving printed handouts, videos)

  • We encourage you to refer your older patients to this website for access to electronic copies of our fall prevention resources which are available in both official languages.

Individualized Interventions 


  • Assess vitamin D intake:

    • Recommend calcium rich foods and daily​ vitamin D supplement  +/- calcium, if deficient

  • Provide relevant fall prevention information and handouts

  • Reassess yearly or if the patient presents with any significant change in health status


Recommend 150 minutes of

 moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week with muscle and bone strengthening activities at least twice a week to help with posture and balance


Refer the patient to a community exercise-based fall prevention program

Addressing Home Hazards

  • Older patients should be encouraged to complete their Home Safety Checklist along with its accompanying Personal Action Plan checklist to help identify and manage some of the most common hazards in and around the home.

TNB Seniors Home Checklist ENGLISH.jpg

Physical Activity


  • Exercise in the form of strength training and balance, gait and coordination training may be considered as a single intervention. However, studies show that exercise may be more effective when applied alongside other interventions. 

  • Be prepared to assess certain older patients to determine if they are able to participate in their chosen exercise program due to comorbidities. Once confirmed, encourage them to consult the Physical Activity Tips for Older Adults, the Active Aging in New Brunswick toolkit and the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults ages 65 years and older for information to help them get started the right way.

  • Participation in a physical activity program which focuses on improving mobility, balance and coordination may be of greater benefit for certain older patients at higher risk of falls. Effective exercise-based fall prevention programs also include the delivery of fall prevention information and handouts to participants during each session.

  • For more information about available exercise-based fall prevention programs within New Brunswick, please click on the following link.

Next Step:

Reassess the patient yearly or if they present with any significant change in health status.



Additional Resources




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